Home Glossary of Health What is Muscle Twitching (Fasiculation)? Causes, Symptoms, Treatment

What is Muscle Twitching (Fasiculation)? Causes, Symptoms, Treatment

by Josephine Andrews
Published: Last Updated on 400 views

Muscle twitching is the medical definition that refers to involuntary contractions and small vibrations that occur in any muscle or muscle group in the body . It is quite common and can be a symptom of certain diseases.

In this text; You can find comprehensive answers to the questions of what is muscle twitching, what is fasciculation, what are the causes of muscle twitching, what are the diseases that cause muscle twitching and how to treat muscle twitching.

What Is Muscle Twitching? What Is Fasciculation?

Muscle twitching is the medical name given to involuntary contractions of the muscles that show small vibrations . It is described by patients as a rather uncomfortable feeling.

The main features of muscle twitching are:

  • Small and involuntary contractions of muscle fibers.
  • Also known as muscle fasciculation or myokymia.
  • It occurs if there is damage to the nerves that stimulate the muscles.
  • Muscle twitching is often unnoticeable and is not at a level to be a cause for concern.
  • You should seek medical attention for prolonged and progressively worsening muscle fasciculation.

To be able to talk about twitching medically, twitching must be seen externally or monitored by EMG . In many patients, twitching is simple and undetectable.

There are two types of muscle twitches, depending on the size of the area :

  • focal (involving a region)
  • generalized (common)

It has not been fully explained how muscle twitching occurs. General opinion; It is the case of increased sensitivity and self-contraction of a muscle with impaired nerve conduction .

Twitching that occurs in the muscles can be caused by a simple reason or it can be a sign of an important neurological disease.

In the subsections of our article, you can find the causes of muscle twitching and detailed explanations of these reasons.

What Causes Muscle Twitches?

There are dozens of different reasons that lead to the formation of fasciculation . In this part of our article, we will first share with you the common causes.

In the lower sections of our article, you can find some important medical problems and details that cause muscle twitching .

Common causes of muscle twitching include:

 Extreme Exercise 

A person may experience muscle twitching after exercising for a long time or if they use their muscles too much. Nov excess stress or excessive use can cause twitching.

Studies show that the condition that causes muscle twitching after excessive effort and exercise is due to two reasons:

  • Exercise can cause muscle fatigue. Overworked muscle fibers accumulate lactic acid, which triggers twitching and cramps.
  • During exercise, electrolytes are lost through sweating. Electrolytes play an important role in muscle contraction. Lost electrolytes trigger muscle twitching.

Muscle twitching that occurs after excessive exercise usually occurs in the arms and legs . The calves, thighs and biceps are the most important muscle areas where twitching occurs after exercise.

 Not Sleeping Enough 

Chemicals and neurotransmitters that provide communication between nerve endings in the brain transmit messages to the nerves that control muscle contraction in the body.

Sleep deprivation and sleep deprivation affect the way neurotransmitters work in the brain. This can lead to muscle twitching.

Muscle twitching is common due to fatigue and insomnia. Muscle twitching on the eyelid is common due to insomnia .

 Excess Caffeine Intake 

Caffeine , especially in coffee , is an important stimulant that acts on the nerves. Excessive caffeine intake increases the likelihood of muscle twitches in the body.

You should avoid consuming too much coffee, tea or caffeinated products. Excess caffeine can cause muscle twitching anywhere in the body.

 Calcium Deficiency 

Calcium is one of the most important electrolytes for muscle contraction . Calcium deficiency can cause muscle twitches.

There are many medical conditions that lead to calcium deficiency. Calcium deficiency is called hypocalcemia in the medical literature .

People with hypocalcemia can get calcium by consuming the following foods :

  • Dairy products
  • soybean
  • Hazelnut
  • green leafy vegetables

 Magnesium Deficiency 

Magnesium supports muscle and nerve functions. It mediates the transport of calcium across the cell membrane. It plays a role in keeping muscles and nerves healthy.

With a magnesium deficiency, muscle twitching can occur anywhere in the body , especially in the face area . Magnesium deficiency is known as hypomagnesemia .

Some causes of magnesium deficiency include:

  • malnutrition
  • Excessive alcohol intake
  • Diarrhea

Due to magnesium deficiency, muscle and nerve functions are impaired and fasciculation may occur. Magnesium deficiency can lead to cardiovascular diseases.

 Vitamin D Deficiency 

Another agent which has the task on nerve conduction with vitamin D is. It plays an important role in the transport of nerve messages from the brain to the muscles.

Lack of exposure to sunlight and poor diet are the causes of vitamin D deficiency. Having a vitamin D deficiency can cause muscle weakness and muscle twitches .

 Being Dehydrated 

Most of the human body is made up of water . Water is an intermediary substance that ensures the transport of nutrients and minerals to the muscles.

Dehydration develops if a person does not get enough water . Muscle twitching may develop due to dehydration.

 Stress and Worry 

Some symptoms may occur in our body due to psychological stress or increased anxiety level. Stress and anxiety can cause an increase in muscle tension .

Fasciculation can occur due to stress and anxiety. Muscle twitches caused by stress can occur in any part of the body.

 Some Medicines

Any medication you use can cause involuntary muscle twitches. This may be the result of a side effect or drug interaction.

If you experience muscle twitching after taking a new medication, you should tell your doctor.

What Diseases Cause Muscle Twitching?

Just above, you can find some common causes of muscle twitching. These causes often included short-term and controllable health conditions.

Some diseases that cause muscle twitching can be more serious . Muscle twitching can sometimes be a symptom of an underlying health condition.

Some serious health conditions that lead to muscle twitching include:


Radiculopathy describes the compression of the nerve and its inability to fulfill its function. A pinched spinal nerve can lead to muscle twitching and spasms.

You may feel a tingling sensation ( paresthesia ) or numbness due to the pinched nerve .

Lumbar hernia is one of the most important causes of nerve compression. You may be experiencing muscle twitching due to nerve compression .

 Amyotrofik Lateral Skleroz

Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis is an extremely rare neurological disease. Muscle twitching is one of the most important symptoms of ALS.

In a person with ALS, nerve cells degenerate and deteriorate over time. In these people, the nerves cannot function properly.

The main symptoms of ALS are:

  • muscle weakness
  • Kas seğirmesi
  • muscle loss

A person with ALS may lose the ability to control their movements over time. This can make it difficult to walk, eat, talk, and breathe.

 Isaacs Sendromu

Isaacs syndrome is a neuromuscular condition that can cause muscle twitching. In a person with Isaacs syndrome, peripheral nerve axons are overactive.

This causes the muscle fibers to be constantly triggered. Patients experience muscle contraction even when resting .

Symptoms of Isaacs syndrome include:

  • muscle stiffness
  • contraction or cramp
  • Sweating
  • inability to relax muscles
  • Kas seğirmesi


While lupus has many different symptoms, muscle twitches can also be a symptom of lupus. Lupus is an autoimmune disease. The human body mistakenly attacks its own tissues.

Some muscle groups may be inflamed in lupus patients. This condition is called myositis . Muscle twitching can be a symptom of myositis.

 Multipl Skleroz 

Muscle twitches can be a sign of MS in some rare cases. Multiple sclerosis is a degenerative condition that affects the central nervous system .

One of the most common symptoms of MS is spasticity. Spasticity is the stiffening and involuntary contraction of muscles. Muscle twitching can be a sign of spasticity.

Other symptoms of multiple sclerosis include:

  • Tiredness
  • numbness or tingling
  • Weakness
  • dizziness
  • Chronic pain
  • Consciousness changes
  • difficulty walking
  • vision problems

How Is Muscle Twitching Diagnosed?

Muscle twitching is largely not an indication of an emergency . However, you should remember that it can be a symptom of a serious illness.

You should know that short-term and temporary muscle twitches can be caused by a simple reason. For longer-lasting or persistent muscle twitches, you may need to seek medical attention.

Your doctor may ask you some questions to determine the underlying cause of muscle twitching. Some of these questions are:

  • When did the muscle twitching start?
  • In which part of the body do the twitches occur?
  • How often does it occur?
  • How long does it take?
  • What other symptoms do you have?

After asking these questions, your doctor will do your physical examination and take your detailed medical history. Be sure to share your other symptoms with your doctor.

If your doctor suspects an underlying cause of the muscle twitches , he or she may want you to have some tests done. Some of these tests are:

  • blood test for electrolyte levels
  • Thyroid function tests
  • MRI imaging
  • Computed tomography
  • Electromyographs (EMG)

These tests can help identify the cause of muscle twitches. Persistent and chronic muscle twitching may be due to a serious underlying medical condition.

Your doctor will try to diagnose the underlying cause as soon as possible and will want to move on to treatment steps as soon as possible.

How Is Muscle Twitching Treated?

Treatment for muscle twitching is directed at the underlying cause. After determining the underlying cause, treatment steps will be planned.

Muscle twitches are often short-lived and benign . With the elimination of the underlying simple cause (excessive exercise, thirst, etc.), it is treated in a short time.Medical treatments may be needed for muscle twitches that occur as a result of more serious causes . Treatment options will be determined according to the diagnosis of your disease.

According to the diagnosis of the disease, the following drugs can be used:

  • corticosteroids
  • muscle relaxants
  • neuromuscular blockers

How To Prevent Muscle Twitches?

Muscle twitching is not always preventable. However, there are some things you can do to reduce the chance of muscle twitching.

To prevent muscle twitching, you can take these steps:

 Balanced Diet 

With a balanced diet, you can obtain many substances necessary for your body through food. You should consume foods containing calcium and magnesium .

You can follow these steps for a balanced diet :

  • Consume vegetables and fruits
  • Eat whole grains that contain carbohydrates.
  • Consume protein-containing foods.
  • Drink enough water.

 Get Enough Sleep 

Keep in mind that not getting enough sleep leads to muscle twitching. For a healthy body physiology, you should sleep an average of 6 to 8 hours each night .

Sleep allows the body to recover and rest. It is very important for the establishment of neurotransmitter balance in the brain.

 Staying Away From Stress 

One of the main factors triggering the formation of fasciculation is stress and anxiety . You should stay away from sources of stress and anxiety.

You can apply the following methods for stress management:

  • Try various meditation methods.
  • Exercise at least 3 days a week.
  • Try talking to a therapist.

 Avoid Caffeine and Cigarettes 

Consuming large amounts of caffeinated beverages leads to muscle twitching . Limit drinks and foods containing caffeine as much as possible.

The nicotine in cigarettes is a stimulant that stimulates the central nervous system. Smoking can cause muscle twitching.

Quitting smoking will be important for every moment of your life. You can reduce the chance of muscle twitches by quitting smoking.


Some medications you take with a doctor’s prescription can cause muscle twitching. Muscle fasciculations may occur as a result of drug side effects or drug interactions .

You should share the medications you use and the problems you are experiencing with your doctor. Your doctor may recommend another drug that does not cause muscle twitching.

 Other Suggestions 

Muscle twitching is largely caused by non-serious health conditions. These causes can be treated at home with some lifestyle changes.

In some cases, the cause of fasciculation may be more serious. You should consult a health care provider for long-term and frequently recurring muscle twitches.

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